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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - shadow


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Перевод с английского языка shadow на русский

1) заслонять 2) отбрасывать тень 3) тень shadow forming effect — островной эффект - line of shadow - shadow cone - shadow effect - shadow factor - shadow galvanometer - shadow in negative - shadow line - shadow method - shadow microscope - shadow photography - shadow photometer - shadow stop - shadow zone - sound shadow
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  тень; затенять; защищать (от света, солнца) – blood shadow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тень (от предметов) the shadow of the house —- тень от дома to cast (to throw, to project) a shadow —- отбрасывать тень; бросать тень; омрачать the trees cast long shadows —- деревья отбрасывали длинные тени to cast a shadow on smb. —- бросать тень на кого-л. it cast a shadow on her happiness —- это омрачило ее счастье the earth's shadow sometimes falls on the moon —- иногда тень от Земли падает на Луну 2. полумрак her face was in deep shadow —- ее лица не было видно в глубокой тени she was hard to see in the web of light and shadow —- ее было трудно различить в этом сплетении теней и света 3. неизвестность to live in the shadow —- оставаться в тени; жить в безвестности he was content to live in the shadow —- его устраивало оставаться в тени (на заднем плане) 4. обыкн. pl. сумерки (также the shadows of evening) the shadows lengthen —- сумерки сгущаются the rural street, now deep in shadow, was still —- на деревенской улице, уже погрузившейся в темноту, было тихо 5. мрак; уныние to scatter the shadows —- разогнать мрак 6. неясное очертание shadows flitted among the trees —- между деревьями мелькали тени he saw moving shadows of men in the garden —- в саду он увидел движущиеся тени людей 7. призрак the shadow of death —- призрак смерти the shadows of the past —- тени (призраки) прошлого to catch at shadows —- гоняться за призраками, мечтать о несбыточном to grasp a shadow and let go a substance —- в погоне за...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  factory предприятие, которое легко может перейти с мирного производства на военное SHADOW  1. noun  1) тень; to cast a shadow - отбрасывать или бросать тень; to be afraid of ones own shadow - бояться собственной тени; to live in the shadow - оставаться в тени; the shadows of evening - ночные тени  2) тень, полумрак; her face was in deep shadow - лицо ее скрывалось в глубокой тени; to sit in the shadow - сидеть в полумраке, не зажигать огня  3) постоянный спутник; he is his mothers shadow - он как тень ходит за матерью  4) призрак; to catch at shadows - гоняться за призраками, мечтать о несбыточном; a shadow of death - призрак смерти; he is a mere shadow of his former self - от него осталась одна тень  5) тень, намек; there is not a shadow of doubt - нет ни малейшего сомнения  6) сень, защита  7) шпик - the shadow of a shade  2. v.  1) poet. осенять, затенять  2) излагать туманно или аллегорически (обыкн. shadow forth, shadow out)  3) следовать по пятам; тайно следить  4) омрачать  5) предвещать, предсказывать (тж. shadow forth) Syn: see follow SHADOW pantomime theatr. представление театра теней (тж. shadow play) SHADOW cabinet polit. теневой кабинет (состав кабинета министров, намечаемый лидерами оппозиции) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) тень; затенять 2) зона радиомолчания ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  тень wind shadow ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) затенение затенять; экранировать 2) тень; область тени 3) зона (радио)молчания; зона отсутствия (радио)приёма 4) полигр. тёмный участок, мн. ч. тени (оригинала) - radar shadow - radio shadow ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 shade or a patch of shade. 2 a dark figure projected by a body intercepting rays of light, often regarded as an appendage. 3 an inseparable attendant or companion. 4 a person secretly following another. 5 the slightest trace (not the shadow of a doubt). 6 a weak or insubstantial remnant or thing (a shadow of his former self). 7 (attrib.) Brit. denoting members of a political party in opposition holding responsibilities parallel to those of the government (shadow Home Secretary; shadow cabinet). 8 the shaded part of a picture. 9 a substance used to colour the eyelids. 10 gloom or sadness. --v.tr. 1 cast a shadow over. 2 secretly follow and watch the movements of. Phrases and idioms shadow-boxing boxing against an imaginary opponent as a form of training. Derivatives shadower n. shadowless adj. Etymology: repr. OE scead(u)we, oblique case of sceadu SHADE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English shadwe, from Old English sceaduw-, sceadu shade  Date: before 12th century  1. partial darkness or obscurity within a part of space from which rays from a source of light are cut off by an interposed opaque body  2. a reflected image  3. shelter from danger or observation  4.  a. an imperfect and faint representation  b. an imitation of something ; copy  5. the dark figure cast upon a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a source of light  6. phantom  7. plural dark 1a  8. a shaded or darker portion of a picture  9. an attenuated form or a vestigial remnant  10.  a. an inseparable companion or follower  b. one (as a spy or detective) that ~s  11. a small degree or portion ; trace  12. a source of gloom or unhappiness  13.  a. an area near an object ; vicinity  b. pervasive and dominant influence  14. a state of ignominy or obscurity  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. archaic shelter, protect  2. to cast a ~ upon ; cloud  3. obsolete to shelter from the sun  4. obsolete conceal  5. to represent or indicate obscurely or faintly — often used with forth or out  6.  a. to follow especially secretly ; trail  b. to accompany and observe especially in a professional setting  7. archaic shade 5  intransitive verb  1. to pass gradually or by degrees  2. to become overcast with or as if with ~s  • ~er noun  III. adjective  Date: 1906  1. of, relating to, or resembling a ~ cabinet ~ minister of defense  2.  a. having an indistinct pattern ~ plaid  b. having darker sections of design ~ lace ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shadows, shadowing, shadowed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A shadow is a dark shape on a surface that is made when something stands between a light and the surface. An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool... Nothing would grow in the shadow of the grey wall... All he could see was his shadow. N-COUNT 2. Shadow is darkness in a place caused by something preventing light from reaching it. Most of the lake was in shadow. = shade N-UNCOUNT: oft in N 3. If something shadows a thing or place, it covers it with a shadow. The hood shadowed her face. VERB: V n 4. If someone shadows you, they follow you very closely wherever you go. The supporters are being shadowed by a large and highly visible body of police. = follow VERB: V n 5. A British Member of Parliament who is a member of the shadow cabinet or who is a shadow cabinet minister belongs to the main opposition party and takes a special interest in matters which are the responsibility of a particular government minister. ...the shadow chancellor. ADJ: ADJ n • Shadow is also a noun. Clarke swung at his shadow the accusation that he was ‘a tabloid politician’. N-COUNT: poss N 6. If you say that something is true without a shadow of a doubt or without a shadow of doubt, you are emphasizing that there is no doubt at all that it is true. It was without a shadow of a doubt the best we’ve played. PHRASE: usu with brd-neg c darkgreen]emphasis 7. If you live in the shadow of someone or in their shadow, their achievements and abilities are so great that you are not noticed or valued. He has always lived in the shadow of his brother. PHRASE: N inflects 8. If you say that someone is a shadow of their former self, you mean that they are much less strong or capable than they used to be. Johnson returned to the track after his ban but was a shadow of his former self. PHRASE: Ns inflect ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »DARKNESS« also shadows plural darkness caused by something preventing light from entering a place  (in shadow)  (The room was half in shadow. | in the shadows)  (a thief lurking in the shadows) 2 »DARK SHAPE« a dark shape that someone or something makes on a surface when they are between that surface and the light  (Look how long our shadows are! | in the shadow of (=under something, where its shadow will sometimes fall))  (We buried Mama in the shadow of the old elm.) 3 cast a shadow over/on literary a) to make a dark shape appear on a surface by being between that surface and the light  (The house cast long shadows on the lawn.) b) to make something seem less attractive or impressive  (After that, a shadow was cast over his reputation.) 4 without/beyond a shadow of a doubt without any doubt at all  (Without a shadow of a doubt he's the most talented player we've ever had.) 5 be in sb's shadow to be less happy and successful than you could be because someone else gets noticed much more  (Kate grew up in the shadow of her film star sister.) 6 be a shadow of your former self to be so unhappy that you seem like a different person 7 shadows under sb's eyes small dark areas under someone's eyes that show they are tired 8 sb's shadow someone who follows someone else everywhere they go  (- see also afraid of your own shadow afraid (4), five o'clock shadow) ~2 v 1 to follow someone closely in order to watch what they are doing  (Detectives shadowed them for weeks, collecting evidence.) 2 usually passive literary to cover something with a shadow, or make it dark  (a shadowed alley) ~3 adj 1 shadow chancellor/foreign secretary etc the politician in the main opposition party in the British parliament who would become chancellor (1) etc if their party was in government, and who is responsible for speaking on the same subjects 2 shadow cabinet the group of politicians in the British parliament who would become ministers if their party was in government ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  law abbr. Shelter Home And Discipling Of Women ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sceadwe, sceaduwe, oblique cases of sceadu (see shade). The verb is O.E. sceadwian. Meaning "to follow like a shadow" is from 1602 in an isolated instance, not attested again until 1872. Shadow of Death (Ps. xxiii:4, etc.) is Gk. skia thanatou, perhaps a mistranslation of a Heb. word for "intense darkness." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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